Upskilling our workforce | Anand Bhatnagar

by Sujit Singh | Dec 17, 2019

Anand Bhatnagar, Reliance, a TEDx speaker, giving a keynote speech on the importance of upskilling for the future in the conference Shared Future 2019 held on 16th November 2019 at Vadodara. 


00:00 - Introduction

03:50 - Why do we need designation? 

05:40 - Introduction of AB

09:45 - Importance of Personal Vision Statement

11:42 - Start Unknown Finish Unforgettable

14:40 - Speed matters for growth

22:30 - What differentiates achievers from average performers

29:57 - Is it time for us to change/upskill?

35:22 - Top 10 Skills to have excellence in

42:25 - Questions and Answers


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